Saturday, February 20, 2010

Mole removal in Cincinnati Ohio

While there is snow still covering the ground in Cincinnati Ohio our Friends the moles are still active and as soon as the snow melts those awful mounds will be visible. Moles do not hibernate however they will go deeper in search of earth worms. After this snow melts and the soil warms moles will be "cleaning" their upper tunnels and the activity can be impressive. Removal of moles is the only tried and true method of control as a matter of fact one of the companies that came out with a mole poison has now brought a mole trap to market, when their mole poison was hailed as a be all end all for mole control. Don't fall for gimmicks learn to use mole traps yourself or hire someone who has the knowledge to remove them for you. Advantage Wildlife Removal offers mole removal year around.

1 comment:

  1. A mole can be described as a stain that appears on the face or body that can vary in size, shape and color. Some moles are flat, while others may have a raised appearance.

    mole removal
